Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Three Things

The Three Important Things, as defined by Sreemath Bhagavath Gita -

Three things that come and go - Poverty, Illness and Money
Three things that won't leave after coming - Fame, Knowledge and Education
Three things that won't come back if lost - Time, Youthfulness and Prestige(or reputation)
Three things that always stay with you - Sin, Morality (or the effect of Sacred deeds) and shadow


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Can we believe in Ramayanam? - Answered!

Came across a post on FB this, thought of posting it along with a translated version.
It always depends on the way you take it and believe it. Beautiful answer for a common question.
ఒరేయ్ మామా ...
రాముడు చెడుని గెలిచాడా?
లేక మంచిని గెలిపించాడా??
అసలు రామాయణాన్ని నమ్మాలంటావా??

" భలే సందేహాలొస్తాయిరా నీకు.. ఒక విషయం చెప్తా విను..

నీలోని చెడు " రావణుడు "
నీలోని మంచి " రాముడు "
నీలోని చెడుని , నీలోని మంచి నిజాయితీతో గెలిస్తే
నువ్వూ ఒక రామాయణం రాయొచ్చు ...

కాకపోతే మనిషి విషయంలో అది జరిగి కొన్ని కోట్ల సంవత్సరాలు అయింది.. అందుకే ఇప్పటికీ మనకి ఒక్క రాముడే ఉన్నాడు .. ఒకటే రామాయణం ఉంది ... అందుకే ఇప్పటికీ
మానవజాతికి రాముడే ఆదర్శప్రాయుడిగా ఉన్నాడు .. ఇక నమ్మడమా , నమ్మకపోవడమా అన్నది నీ ఇష్టం మరి ...

Hey bro!
Did Rama win over Evil'ness? Or
Did he make Goodness to win??
... In fact, Can we believe Ramayanam?

Bro! you always get peculiar doubts.. I'll tell you one thing, listen to me...

The badness in you is Ravana
The goodness in you is Rama
If the goodness in you wins over the badness in you
Then you can write one Ramayana too ...

However, it happened in a human's case only crores of years ago...That's the reason till date, we just have one Rama ... just one Ramayanam ... that remained as examples ... Coming to the point of believing it or not...it is up to you!


Monday, September 10, 2012

The Art of Speaking

Speak... Like this...
Speak with Love
Think and Speak
Understand and Speak
Speak Good
Speak intelligently
Speak Smilingly
Open up your mind and Speak
Speak as it is
Speak after listening completely
Speak without hurting
Speak Less

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Looking back in life


[Quote in Telugu language - Translation]
You cry with your first breath
You Make people cry with your last breath
The time to spend smiling
between the two cries is called 'Life'


Dr. Abdul Kalam's experience shared on 7th Sep., 2012 -
"Yesterday, I inaugurated the 31st NIPM National Conference at Kochi where a number of HR managers, industrialists, academicians and students were present. There I met a special person who was given a special recognition amidst the gathering. His name is Shri Kochouseph Chittilappilly (in pic) and he is a well-known industrialist in the field of electrical equipment, construction and services in ...
the nation and the state. He has been amongst the highest taxpayers in the state and is also very active in the social service domain.
In 2011, in a touching gesture of giving, Mr. Chittilappilly donated his own kidney to an unknown ailing poor truck driver. This set in motion a unique movement called, “The Kidney Chain”, wherein a relative of one patient would donate to another patient, whose relative will in turn donate onwards and so on. Moreover, over 500 employees of his own company pledged to donate their organs after death.
What a great spirit of giving is exhibited by this self-made industrialist. Yesterday, when I saw the radiant smiling face of Mr. Chittilappilly, one thought immediately came to my mind – Giving makes you happy.
A true hero for the What Can I Give Mission"